Podczas konwentu paradowałem sobie, na przemian w trzech strojach: Garindanie, Crewmanie i Gunnerze.
Last weekend (28-27 November) me and Eddi visited Sosnowiec. Porytkon 2^2 was this year’s last event. During convention I was wearing three costumes – Garindan, Crewman and Gunner.
Ekipa w Sosnowcu dopisała, mimo że konwent niewielki:
Although convention was small, we came in force
Zaczęliśmy więc podbijać konwent:
So, we conquered the con:
So, we conquered the con:
Braliśmy niewolników, nikt nie protestował:
We took slaves, nobody's objected
Ale niektórych musieliśmy likwidować od razu:
but some of them we had to eliminate immediately:
but some of them we had to eliminate immediately:
Games - room również opanowaliśmy:
Games room- also brought under control:
Był nawet bar sushi:
There was even a sushi bar:
Który zyskał moją aprobatę:
Which was approved by me
Podobnie jak nowe koszulki legionowe:
As well as the new legion t shirts
Na koniec: super - mucha :D
For the end: super-fly
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